ATTENTION: The Pastor or Ministry Leader
Thank you for inviting Frank to minister with you. The information provided below is a result of Frank’s experience from years of traveling. This information serves several purposes:
– To preemptively address frequently asked questions.
– To assist in your event planning.
– To ensure consistency for Frank.
– To prevent any misunderstandings.
– To ensure a seamless, enjoyable, and fruitful ministry experience.
– To honor the Lord by striving for excellence in all things – as stated in 1 Corinthians 10:31: “Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”
Please relay this information to the person in charge of the respective areas of responsibility. For ease of access, print or save this page in your browser. Should you need additional information, please contact me via email.
Susie Colvin, Administrator
Frank Butler Ministries
Arrival at Services
Frank prefers to arrive 20 minutes before the starting time of services.
Frank's Mobile
Visit the Advertising page for bio, photos, and press release.
Product Sales
Frank does not sell product at services.
Donation to Frank Butler Ministries
Frank Butler Ministries is a tax-exempt, nonprofit organization with 501(c)(3) status, operating exclusively on donations.
The estimated donation amount was communicated to us by you when you booked the service(s). Please issue a single check made payable to Frank Butler Ministries upon the completion of Frank’s visit.
Photos, Recording, & Live Streaming
Frank Butler Ministries grants the host permission to:
– Take photographs.
– Record audio and video.
– Live stream services.
Please send copies of photographs and video recordings to: Frank Butler Ministries, 9423 Clipperwood Pl., Houston, TX 77083. It would be greatly appreciated.
For speaking, Frank requires the following:
– Sound system and stage monitor speaker.
– Pulpit or an adjustable music stand (tables are not acceptable).
– Hand-held or lapel microphone (over-the-head or over-the-ear headsets are not suitable).
– Bottled drinking water, preferably Aquafina.
– WIFI login details, if WIFI is available.
– An interpreter, if necessary.
Altar Call Help
Assign men to support Frank during altar calls, allowing them to make physical contact only when necessary, to remain vigilant, and to pray in silence.
Ensure one or two men are positioned behind those who step forward for prayer, accompanying Frank as he progresses. Organize the lines to be single-file, enabling catchers to navigate easily. Those awaiting their turn should stay in the aisles and approach the front as room allows.
Should anyone start to fall, assist by cushioning their descent and guiding them safely to the ground, ensuring they and others are unharmed. Once individuals are prepared, aid them in standing so they may return to their seats.
Take measures to safeguard individuals who are highly emotional from causing harm to themselves or others.
Altar Call Music
To create a peaceful atmosphere during altar calls, please play gentle, soft, slow-paced worship songs either through the PA system or live with a guitar or keyboard accompanied by two vocalists.
Frank would like to use songs during altar calls from the list below:
- Alleluia (Gaither)
- Amazing Grace
- Anointing Fall on Me (Ron Kenoly)
- At the Cross (Hillsong)
- Be Glorified (Ron Kenoly)
- Draw Me Lord (and I’ll run after You)
- Emmanuel (Hillsong)
- Give Thanks (Don Moen)
- God of Wonders (Third Day)
- God Will Make a Way (Don Moen)
- Here I am to Worship (Hillsong)
- He was Wounded for My Transgressions
- Hosanna (Hillsong)
- How Great is Our God (Chris Tomlin)
- I Am the Lord that Heals Thee (Don Moen)
- I Exalt Thee (Hosanna Music)
- I Give You My Heart (Hillsong)
- I Sing Praises to Your Name (Terry Macalmon)
- I Surrender All
- I Will Bless the Lord (Don Moen)
- I Worship You Almighty God (Don Moen)
- Jesus Something about that Name (Gaither)
- Jesus Lover of My Soul (Hillsong)
- Jesus Name Above All Names
- Lord I Lift Your Name on High (Hosanna Music)
- Love You so Much (Hillsong)
- Mighty to Save (Hillsong)
- Nothing but the Blood of Jesus
- God is Good
- O the Blood of Jesus
- Power of Your Love (Hillsong)
- Praise the Name of Jesus (He’s my Rock)
- Shout to the Lord (Hillsong)
- We Fall Down (Chris Tomlin)
- What a Beautiful Name It Is (Hillsong)
- What A Friend We Have in Jesus
- With All I Am (Hillsong)
- Worshipping You (Deluge)
- Worthy is the Lamb (Hillsong)
- You are Holy (Hillsong)
- You Deserve the Glory (Terry Macalmon)
For Further Information
Feel free to email Susie Colvin, Administrator, Frank Butler Ministries, Houston, TX USA.
We are praying and believing for a fruitful time of ministry.
Matthew 18:19 If two of you agree on earth concerning anything you ask,
My Father in heaven will do it for you.